Sunday, 23 October 2011

Science Year 5 - Unit 2 Survival of the Species

Mammoths and dinosaurs are examples of animals that no longer exist. Is it because of their gigantic size? Elephants look similar to mammoths. Why are they still surviving? Rafflesia is an example of a plant species found in Malaysia that is facing extinction. Why? How do animals and plants ensure the survival of their species?

1. Animals take care of their eggs and young to ensure the survival of their species.
2. Plants disperse seeds and fruits to ensure survival of their species.
3. Shortage of food can cause extinction of species.

Science Exercise for Unit 2

Animal Survival

Animals and plants need food to survive. One animal species is a source of food to another. For example, eagles eat snakes. If snakes do not survive, there will be shortage at food for eagles. The eagles may become extinct.

Plant Survival

Plants cannot move freely. Therefore, their seeds and fruits need to be dispersed from the parent plants. They are dispersed by wind, animal, water or explosive mechanism. Dispersal of seeds and fruits help to scatter them far away from the parent plants. This helps to ensure the survival of plant species.

Species Extinction - Global Food Shortage

Shortage of food can cause extinction of species, mammoths and dinosaurs are examples of animals that no longer exist. Why? Please watch the above video and find out the answer.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Science Year 5 - Unit 1 Microorganisms

Learn about microorganisms, the study of microbiology and why these tiny creatures are so important to living things with this fun, interactive activity. Microorganisms are important to life on Earth, acting as decomposers in various ecosystems and playing a vital role in the nitrogen cycle. Types of microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, types of algae and plankton.

Microorganisms make their home on food, plants, humans and lots of other living things. Look hard and spot places where you think they might be at work. Learn about bacteria that live in decaying leaves, diseases, moldy fruit, yeast in breads, bacteria in yoghurt, salmonella in uncooked food and more. Sort the different types of microorganisms and enjoy this fun science game for kids.

Science Exercise for Unit 1

The Wonderful World of the Unseen Life

There are tiny living things that can only be seen through a microscope, these are called microorganisms. In the above video, you can see different types of microorganisms, there are bacteria, protozoa, fungi and virus. Just like other living thins, microorganisms also undergo life processes. They breather, move and grow.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Steve Jobs - Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.

People around the world are grieving the loss of Steve Jobs, who died today at the age of 56. As much as he leaves a legacy of technology and artistry, he also is an example of life lived to the fullest and a reminder of how much a single person can accomplish in a lifetime. In his 2005 commencement address at Stanford University, Jobs talked about his experience of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, as well as what he hoped would be a permanent cure. In this speech we learn about the life and wisdom of Steve Jobs who reminds each of us:

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

T3 - What I have Learned from Games!

Tomorrow Teaching Technology - 2

Most people think that gaming is a waste of time, but for some its pure entertainment. Although I beg to differ, if you meet me as a person I may come across as someone who is quite different, it wouldn't be modest to say evolved.

Games pick up myths and fables from generations long gone, gets you involved in the story and gives you a crash course through each sequence or character. So games are capable of feeding your brain with information in a way that makes it so much better to learn.

Games fine tune and sharpen your reflexes, every level gets tougher and thereby improving your skills to beat the game. It is the fastest way to tune your brain to change and try new things. Being an avid strategy gamer, I know how to plan cities or be a politician who can keep his people happy.

A simple game, where you have to direct the falling apple to Einstein's' head. The game has 19 levels available that you can play and more levels can be created or purchased.

Way of an Idea is strikingly similar to Ramps though instead of laying ramps you need to draw a line with the chalk to get the apple the head.

The game gives you a good amount of time to get a fair idea of how the game is played, but the levels do get quite complex and if you enjoy this one you should also give Splitter 2 a shot.

The controls are fairly simple, z and x rotate between the eraser and chalk while space bar gets the apple rolling.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

A Teacher's Mission: From Teaching to Leading

One of the greatest challenges I’ve faced as a teacher was getting my students to understand how and why they procrastinate, and ultimately what it was costing them to do so. Year after year, I never saw any change in student behavior or attitudes as it related to laziness.

But it was once said that sometimes the best inspiration is born out of desperation. Through utter desperation, I went “back to the drawing board” to remind myself of the purpose of teaching, which is to get students to think for themselves – replacing a closed mind with an open one.

This approach proved effective as I stopped focusing on “giving” my students the answer and started focusing on leading my students to the answer for themselves. I started by mentally putting myself in their shoes. As a student, I asked myself, “What was most important to me as it related to my time?”

This question revealed the following four answers:
* Time with my friends
* Time alone (for hobbies and interests)
* Time to have fun
* Fear of not having enough of it (fun that is)

From that point, I picked the one element that seemingly impacted all the others – not having enough of it. Therefore, I grabbed the students’ attention by making them an offer:

“How would you like to have more free time to spend with your friends, have fun, and do the things that you love to do?” Trust me, this wasn’t a very difficult sell.

Now that I had their attention, I had to prove to them that they already had enough time to do those things; they were just abusing it. Of course, no one believed it, but that’s why we’re teachers…to take a closed mind and replace it with an open one.

Using my own creative juices, I had the students calculate how they were currently spending their time, from taking a shower, riding the bus to school, and to actual time in class. We listed only those items they had to commit themselves to (i.e., no one can really afford to avoid taking a shower).

We then added up their total time allotted for necessities and subtracted the total from the total number of hours available in a week (24 hrs x 7 days). To their amazement, students had a lot more “free hours” in a day (and a week) than they originally thought.

That look of amazement was soon replaced with the logical question of, “What happened to all of the remaining hours?” That was the million dollar question.

I then had them tell me how students “chose” to spend their time outside of the classroom, and we wrote each of their responses on the board. You would have been shocked by what they said. Typically, students will generate between 20 and 30 “time burning” activities (if not more).

The power of this exercise is revealed when they realize that the choices they make about their time have a direct influence on the results they experience in school (and in life). It’s a humbling experience for most and a shocking experience for some.

The lesson here is that you can lead students to school, but our job is to make them think…especially when it comes to procrastination.

Monday, 3 October 2011

T3 - How the iPad 2 Will Revolutionize Education?

Tomorrow Teaching Technology - 1

Enhanced Facetime will be great for remote lectures or office hours, high-definition video editing will facilitate exploratory learning and reporting, and real-time image mirroring will stylize lectures in science, history, and geography. Additionally, mobile learning is made possible through the iOS 4.3 hotspot update, permitting Internet connectivity for apple phones, tablets, and laptops. This will be especially valuable for recession-hit school districts, such as Detroit, scrambling for ways to solve ballooning class sizes. Skeptical educators can be relieved that the iPad was deemed classroom ready by Reed College, and that remote learning can be just as effective as in-class lecturing.

Despite the hype of mobile learning, traditional lectures will dominate classrooms for the foreseeable future. Why not spice lectures up? Apple reveals how mirror imaging, which projects images from the iPad to a larger screen, would work inside a classroom

These are just a few of the uses that are immediately obvious. However, the wonderful thing about technology is that investigating new applications is educational in it-self. Tech-happy students will be eager to explore new ways of using tablets and sharing their discoveries with the world.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Kemahiran Berfikir Secara Kritis Dan Kreatif

  1. Mencirikan
  2. Membandingkan dan membezakan
  3. Mengklasifikasi
  4. Menyusun mengikut keutamaan
  5. Membuat urutan
  6. Mengesan kecondongan
  7. Menganalisis
  8. Mengumpul dan mengelaskan
  9. Menilai
  10. Membuat keputusan
  1. Menjanakam idea
  2. Mengitlak
  3. Membuat gambaran mental
  4. Mereka cipta
  5. Meramalkan
  6. Membuat hipotesis
  7. Mensistesis
  8. Menghubungkaitkan
Teori Kecerdasan Pelbagai
  1. Kecerdasan verbal-linguistik
  2. Kecerdasan logic-matematik
  3. Kecerdasan visual-ruang
  4. Kecerdasan kinestetik
  5. Kecerdasan muzik
  6. Kecerdasan intrapersonal
  7. Kecerdasan inierpersonal
  8. Kecerdasan naturalis

My first blogging

Hi everyone,

Thanks a lot for visiting my blog, I will update frequently about my teaching life.